Expanded Trade and GDP Data

Data source: Kristian S. Gleditsch

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The dataset by Kristian Gleditsch provides estimates of trade flows between independent states (1948-2000) and GDP per capita of independent states (1950-2011). Version 6. In order to fill in gaps in the Penn World Table's mark 5.6 and 6.2 data (see: Heston, Summers \& Aten), Gleditsch has imputed missing data by using an alternative source of data (the CIA World Fact Book), and through extrapolation beyond available time-series.

Last updated by source: 2014-09-09

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Gleditsch, K. S. (2002). Expanded trade and GDP data (version 6.0). Journal of Conflict Resolution, 46(5), 712–724.
• Gleditsch, K., & Ward, M. D. (1999). Interstate system membership: A revised list of the independent states since 1816. International Interactions, 25, 393–413.

Variables in this dataset:

   GDP per Capita (Current Prices)
QoG Code: gle_cgdpc

GDP per capita (Current prices).

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   Total Export
QoG Code: gle_exp

This amounts to the total export of a country, in millions of current year US dollars, estimated as the sum of all dyadic export figures to that country using the imputation technique described above.

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   Real GDP (2005)
QoG Code: gle_gdp

Real GDP (2005). This is Gleditsch's estimate of GDP per Capita in US dollars at current year international prices.

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   Total Import
QoG Code: gle_imp

This amounts to the total import of a country, in millions of current year US dollars, estimated as the sum of all dyadic import figures to that country using the imputation technique described above.

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   Population (in the 1000's)
QoG Code: gle_pop

Size of the population in the years 1000's.

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   Real GDP per Capita (2005)
QoG Code: gle_rgdpc

This is the estimate of real GDP per Capita in constant US dollars at base year 2000, based on the imputation technique described above.

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   Total Trade
QoG Code: gle_trade

This amounts to the sum of import and export of a country, in millions of current year US dollars, estimated as the sum of all dyadic import and export figures of that country using the imputation technique described above.

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